I love this — “Whenever you can, do something kind for Future You.”
I spend hours tricking myself into believing that reading articles on twitter and medium and wherever will inspire me and make me better, but Future Me usually feels grumpy that I wasted time. Glad to read one that I suspect future me will think, hey, that was worth it.
It’s a brilliant concept, especially when I’m so wound up trying to get stuff done and through this eternal present moment (which never really ends)— that I end up doing exactly what will leave Future Me exhausted and wondering what I’m doing with my life. If instead, I do this, and live now in a way that will leave me feeling refreshed and inspired down the road, it makes your current actions much more clear.
In world where you can’t control the outcome, and quite often suffering follows from stuff we expect to happen that doesn’t… if we give a little extra consideration into how our being right now will effect the future, we’re already on a much more aligned path.
Thanks for the inspiration.